Per Pc Price 2070 Saree Banarasi Silk Blouse Regular Availability Pick & Choose (6 Colors Available)
The uploaded image contains a product listing for a saree with the following details:
- Per Piece Price: 2070
- Saree Material: Banarasi Silk, which is a high-quality silk known for its fine weaving and elaborate designs, often involving engravings or figures with small details.
- Blouse: Regular, which typically means a standard cut and fit without additional design details.
- Availability: Customers can pick and choose from 6 available colors, offering a range of options to suit different tastes and preferences.
Banarasi silk sarees are traditionally made in Varanasi, a city which is also known as Benares or Banaras. The sarees are among the finest in India and are known for their gold and silver brocade or zari, fine silk, and opulent embroidery. They are usually part of an Indian bride’s wedding trousseau due to their intricate craftsmanship. The price reflects the quality and the labor-intensive process of weaving these sarees.